Sollex France is a worldwide reliable French brand operating in household appliances and electronics, combining the latest technology in design and production, European quality and reliability with unique design, its own recognizable style and advantageous price.
Sollex France- You know you have reached perfection of design, not when you have nothing more to add, but when you have nothing more to take away.
Sollex follows a simple business philosophy: to devote its talent and technology to creating superior products and services that contribute to a better global society. To achieve this, Sollex sets a high value on its people and technologies.
Quite simply, a company is its people. At Sollex, we’re dedicated to giving our people a wealth of opportunities to reach their full potential.
Everything we do at Sollex is driven by an unyielding passion for excellence and an unfaltering commitment to develop the best products and services on the market.
In today’s fast-paced global economy, change is constant and innovation is critical to a company’s survival. As we have done since our foundation, we set our sights on the future, anticipating market needs and demands so we can steer our company toward long-term success.
Operating in an ethical way is the foundation of our business. Everything we do is guided by a moral compass that ensures fairness, respect for all stakeholders and complete transparency.
A business cannot be successful unless it creates prosperity and opportunity for others. Sollex is dedicated to being a socially and environmentally responsible corporate citizen in every community where we operate around the globe.
Sollex France visions a future where everyone is empowered by the freedom and improved quality of life that comes with access to reliable, affordable, clean solar energy.Sollex France is dedicated to providing distributed solar energy solutions for households and small businesses that transform the way people all over the world use and pay for energy.
Our company’s commitment and contribution to the environment and to the world community are an integral part of Sollex France’s management structure, product design, manufacturing, & corporate culture. This commitment has inspired a variety of special corporate programs at both the global & regional level.